When you finally get accepted for the job you want, the most important thing is to make an impression in the first interview. But surprisingly, many qualified candidates lose their credibility in interviews because of the way they present their skills or talk about their experiences.

Here are six phrases to avoid in your interviews:

I know I don’t have the perfect qualifications for this job, but…”

Avoid saying this, especially if you’re changing jobs or applying for a role that’s outside of your scope, or at least requires more skill than you can handle. Reciting this may show that you are honest, humble, and proud to be interviewing for the role, but saying it diminishes your value. If you tell the interviewer that you don’t believe you are qualified for the role, then they won’t believe you either. After all, you know yourself better than they do.

Getting an interview means the interviewer believes you’re qualified enough, so don’t give them a reason to think otherwise. Instead, highlight the experiences, stories, and projects you’ve worked on that demonstrate your ability to excel in the role.

“I don’t have much experience in this field, but…”

It seems that this expression is similar to the previous one, but its nature is different. You may imagine that the interviewer will ask questions about your specific skills in this job field, and this is where you will be tempted to use the interviewer’s words.

For example, one applicant applied for a role that involved leading teams. Although she fit the bill and felt she would be successful in the role, she doubted her leadership skills and thought her years of experience were not enough to manage a team of three.

Even if you think you don’t have enough experience in a field, your language still matters. Instead of discounting your qualifications, go straight to the experience and skills you have. Show how your experience has prepared you for this job or show how your background has prepared you for this new challenge.

filler words…

You might not even realize you’re using the words “eg” and “um” in your answers, but using filler words when you speak can give the interviewer the impression that you’re not 100% sure of who you are. Sure, you might get nervous or even sweaty, but make sure the filler words don’t get lost. You can speak a little more slowly and pause between your statements. This will help you have a more prepared mindset for the interview.


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